
Vabilo: Workshop on connectivity in marine spatial planning from 4-10th June 2022

Vabilo: Workshop on connectivity in marine spatial planning from 4-10th June 2022

od Matic Jančič -
Število odgovorov: 0


posredujem vabilo na delavnico. Več informacij spodaj.

LP, Matic


Dear All

WG3 of the SeaUnicorn Cost action will hold a training workshop on connectivity in marine spatial planning from 4-10th June 2022, in Piran Slowenia.

The workshop aims to do three things, and people can join for one, two, or all three:

1 The theory of integrating connectivity into marine spatial planning: the why, the how, and potential strategies – this part is suitable for interested parties, decision makers, policy makers, and novices

2 Marine spatial planning with Marxan, the basics: this is fairly technical but provides the basics of the decision support software Marxan, which you need to understand 3.Not needed for people with previous Marxan experience

3. Marine spatial planning with connectivity in MarxanConnect: technical, but perfect for people wanting to run analyses and conduct the technical side of spatial planning with connectivity.

If you are interested in joining (even just for one of the three parts), please apply here by the 28th March 2022: https://forms.gle/iswV7TDWV9hSFNep9

Please fill out the form even if you have already emailed us – we have the horrible habit of losing emails – and here they will all be in one place! We will apply Sea-Unicorn’s criteria for selecting training participants (attached here also).

In order to involve stakeholders with the action, we have ringfenced 5 places in the training for stakeholders. If you know of interested people who work in agencies, NGOs, and are involved with spatial planning, please forward on this email. We want to ensure that these skill-building opportunities are available to the people who actually do the planning across Europe.


All the best, Maria and Ant

Dr Maria Beger

Associate Professor in Conservation Science

School of Biology

University of Leeds

Leeds LS2 9JT, UK