
Terensko delo na gnezdiščih glavate karete v Grčiji

Terensko delo na gnezdiščih glavate karete v Grčiji

by Matic Jančič -
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posredujem priložnosti za terensko delo na gnezdiščih glavate karete v Grčiji.

Lep pozdrav,



Dear friends and colleagues,

As many of you know, ARCHELON is a non-profit NGO founded in 1983 aiming to protect sea turtles and their habitats in Greece as well as to raise awareness among stakeholders and the public about the threats to their survival. Every year, up to 600 dedicated volunteers and 40 field leaders work together to protect 7,000+ nests along  130+ km of beach in Zakynthos, the Peloponnese and Crete and reach over 100,000 people through ARCHELON’s outreach activities.

ARCHELON urgently seeks dedicated people to cover the following posts at our projects in Greece for 2022 and applicants must be able to travel to Greece in the first weeks of May.  Special deadline for this final round of applications is 25th April.

1. Two Coordinator posts.

  • Monitoring Coordinator, Zakynthos.  The Monitoring Coordinator is responsible for managing all scientific and conservation activities (morning and night surveys, nest protection, etc), maintains databases and supervises a team of up to 60 volunteers and 5 monitoring leaders
  • Monitoring and Volunteer Coordinator, Lakonikos Bay, Peloponnese. The Monitoring and Volunteer Coordinator works in collaboration with the Public Awareness Leader to run ARCHELON’s project in the area and is responsible for managing all scientific and conservation activities (morning and night surveys, nest protection, etc), maintains databases and coordinates a team of up to 30 volunteers

Duration: Early May to October (EU citizens) – Early May through August (all other nationalities)

Requirements: They must be over 20 years of age, have good physical condition and be tolerant of hot weather conditions, and be fluent in English, carry a valid EU/International driver’s license. A minimum of three months participation at a turtle conservation project are required.

Benefits/Costs: Accommodation & food (in a communal scheme), as well as private insurance coverage for accidents up to a certain ceiling are offered by ARCHELON for both posts. If selected people are holding an EU citizenship, they will be offered a stipend of 400€ / month on top, while for other nationalities, different options for financial support will be available.

2. Two Monitoring field leader posts

  • Monitoring Leader, Kyparissia Bay, Peloponnese.  The Monitoring Leader works in collaboration with and is supervised by the Monitoring Coordinator and contributes to the management of scientific and conservation activities in the project (morning and night surveys, nest protection, etc), maintaining of databases and the management of a team of up to 50 volunteers
  • Monitoring Leader, Rethymno, Crete.  The Monitoring Leader works in collaboration with and is supervised by the Monitoring Coordinator and contributes to the management of scientific and conservation activities in the project (morning and night surveys, nest protection, etc), maintaining of databases and the management of a team of up to 40 volunteers

Duration: Early May to October (EU citizens) or Early May through August (all other nationalities)

Benefits/Costs: - ARCHELON will provide accommodation and food within the communal scheme in the campsite, as well as private insurance coverage for accidents up to a certain ceiling.

Requirements: Applicants must be over 20 years of age, have good physical condition and be tolerant of hot weather conditions, and be fluent in English, carry a valid EU/International driver’s license and have a personal health insurance policy in place. Relevant experience is desirable but not required.

How to apply

If interested, please send an email to jobs@archelon.gr with the following as soon as possible and by 25th April at the latest :

- Application form that you can download from HERE - Short Curriculum Vitae (400-900 words)

For more information, please visit our website here (information on Projects), here (more information on field leader positions). You may also contact me directly off the list at aliki@archelon.gr. To apply, please fill out the form found here and send along with your CV to jobs@archelon.gr.

Thank you,

Aliki Panagopoulou, Ph.D.

Research Coordinator

ARCHELON, the Sea Turtle Protection Society