
Sea Turtle Dissections in Rijeka (Croatia)

Sea Turtle Dissections in Rijeka (Croatia)

by Bojan Lazar -
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Greetings all,

as I told you on our last lecture, we will perform dissection of sea turtles for our research purposes. Disections will take place this Thursday (28. 4.) and Friday (29. 4.) at the Veterinary Department Rijeka of the Croatian Veterinary Institue (address: Podmurvice 29, 51000 Rijeka) and you are invited to join us.

This is not a mandatory activity/lab, so these of you interested in paticipating on dissections please contact me directly on e-mail (ASAP), so we can arrange all details.




Assoc. Prof. Bojan Lazar, PhD


Department of Biodiversity
Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies
University of Primorska
Glagoljaska 8, SI-6000 Koper, Slovenia
