
Student International Exhibition

Student International Exhibition

by Aja Bončina -
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Dear students,

 The Department of Wildlife Management and Nature Protection of the Karlovac University of Applied Sciences organizes a photography exhibition with international participation, to give a wider audience an insight into the photographic creativity of students in the field of nature conservation and nature. The exhibition has an important role/aim in nature conservation, in how to bring nature closer to the general public in a simple, but effective way.

 All enthusiastic students who like nature photography are invited to participate in the exhibition.

 More about the exhibition at: 



Prof. dr. Elena Bužan, Aja Bončina

Dragi študentje,
Oddelek za Upravljanje in naravovarstvo prostoživečih živali Univerze v Karlovacu (Department of Wildlife Management and Nature Protection of the Karlovac University of Applied Sciences) organizira fotografsko razstavo z mednarodno udeležbo, z namenom da bi širšemu občinstvu omogočili vpogled v fotografsko ustvarjalnost študentov s področja naravovarstva in narave, in na ta način širši javnosti približali naravo. 

K sodelovanju  na razstavi ste vabljeni vsi entuziastični študentje, ki se radi ukvarjate s fotografiranjem narave. 

Več o razstavi na: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1s4m90DJ1CB0-QvpjPS0HNVM6-nw6LXSa


Prof. dr. Elena Bužan in Aja Bončina