import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import; import; import; import; import; import javax.swing.*; class Connect4 extends JFrame implements ActionListener, Runnable { private Button btn1, btn2, btn3, btn4, btn5, btn6, btn7; private Label lblSpacer; private Socket sock; MenuItem newMI, exitMI, redMI, yellowMI; int[][] theArray; boolean end = false; boolean gameStart; public static final int BLANK = 0; public static final int RED = 1; public static final int YELLOW = 2; public static final int MAXROW = 6; // 6 rows public static final int MAXCOL = 7; // 7 columns public static final String SPACE = " "; // 18 spaces int activeColour = RED; /* UKAZI */ public static final String UKAZ_KONEC = "KONEC"; /* UKAZI KONEC */ public static void main(String[] args) { try { if (args.length == 1) { ServerSocket ssock = new ServerSocket(Integer.parseInt(args[0])); System.out.println("Poslušam."); Socket sock = ssock.accept(); System.out.println("Povezan"); new Thread(new Connect4(sock)).start(); } else { System.out.println("Uporaba: Connect4 port"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.out.println("Napaka."); } } public Connect4(Socket s) { sock = s; setTitle("4 v vrsto"); MenuBar mbar = new MenuBar(); Menu fileMenu = new Menu("Datoteka"); newMI = new MenuItem("Novo"); newMI.addActionListener(this); fileMenu.add(newMI); exitMI = new MenuItem("Konec"); exitMI.addActionListener(this); fileMenu.add(exitMI); mbar.add(fileMenu); Menu optMenu = new Menu("Možnosti"); redMI = new MenuItem("Rdeči začne"); redMI.addActionListener(this); optMenu.add(redMI); yellowMI = new MenuItem("Rumeni začne"); yellowMI.addActionListener(this); optMenu.add(yellowMI); mbar.add(optMenu); setMenuBar(mbar); // Build control panel. Panel panel = new Panel(); btn1 = new Button("1"); btn1.addActionListener(this); panel.add(btn1); lblSpacer = new Label(SPACE); panel.add(lblSpacer); btn2 = new Button("2"); btn2.addActionListener(this); panel.add(btn2); lblSpacer = new Label(SPACE); panel.add(lblSpacer); btn3 = new Button("3"); btn3.addActionListener(this); panel.add(btn3); lblSpacer = new Label(SPACE); panel.add(lblSpacer); btn4 = new Button("4"); btn4.addActionListener(this); panel.add(btn4); lblSpacer = new Label(SPACE); panel.add(lblSpacer); btn5 = new Button("5"); btn5.addActionListener(this); panel.add(btn5); lblSpacer = new Label(SPACE); panel.add(lblSpacer); btn6 = new Button("6"); btn6.addActionListener(this); panel.add(btn6); lblSpacer = new Label(SPACE); panel.add(lblSpacer); btn7 = new Button("7"); btn7.addActionListener(this); panel.add(btn7); add(panel, BorderLayout.NORTH); initialize(); // Set to a reasonable size. setSize(1024, 768); setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); setVisible(true); } // Connect4 public void initialize() { theArray = new int[MAXROW][MAXCOL]; for (int row = 0; row < MAXROW; row++) for (int col = 0; col < MAXCOL; col++) theArray[row][col] = BLANK; gameStart = false; } // initialize public void paint(Graphics g) { g.setColor(Color.BLUE); g.fillRect(110, 50, 100 + 100 * MAXCOL, 100 + 100 * MAXROW); for (int row = 0; row < MAXROW; row++) for (int col = 0; col < MAXCOL; col++) { if (theArray[row][col] == BLANK) g.setColor(Color.WHITE); if (theArray[row][col] == RED) g.setColor(Color.RED); if (theArray[row][col] == YELLOW) g.setColor(Color.YELLOW); g.fillOval(160 + 100 * col, 100 + 100 * row, 100, 100); } check4(g); } // paint public void putDisk(int n) { // put a disk on top of column n // if game is won, do nothing System.out.println("PUTDISK: " + n); if (end) return; gameStart = true; int row; n--; for (row = 0; row < MAXROW; row++) if (theArray[row][n] > 0) break; if (row > 0) { theArray[--row][n] = activeColour; if (activeColour == RED) activeColour = YELLOW; else activeColour = RED; repaint(); } } public void displayWinner(Graphics g, int n) { g.setColor(Color.BLACK); g.setFont(new Font("Courier", Font.BOLD, 100)); if (n == RED) g.drawString("Rdeči je zmagal!", 100, 400); else g.drawString("Rumeni je zmagal!", 100, 400); end = true; } public void check4(Graphics g) { // see if there are 4 disks in a row: horizontal, vertical or diagonal // horizontal rows for (int row = 0; row < MAXROW; row++) { for (int col = 0; col < MAXCOL - 3; col++) { int curr = theArray[row][col]; if (curr > 0 && curr == theArray[row][col + 1] && curr == theArray[row][col + 2] && curr == theArray[row][col + 3]) { displayWinner(g, theArray[row][col]); } } } // vertical columns for (int col = 0; col < MAXCOL; col++) { for (int row = 0; row < MAXROW - 3; row++) { int curr = theArray[row][col]; if (curr > 0 && curr == theArray[row + 1][col] && curr == theArray[row + 2][col] && curr == theArray[row + 3][col]) displayWinner(g, theArray[row][col]); } } // diagonal lower left to upper right for (int row = 0; row < MAXROW - 3; row++) { for (int col = 0; col < MAXCOL - 3; col++) { int curr = theArray[row][col]; if (curr > 0 && curr == theArray[row + 1][col + 1] && curr == theArray[row + 2][col + 2] && curr == theArray[row + 3][col + 3]) displayWinner(g, theArray[row][col]); } } // diagonal upper left to lower right for (int row = MAXROW - 1; row >= 3; row--) { for (int col = 0; col < MAXCOL - 3; col++) { int curr = theArray[row][col]; if (curr > 0 && curr == theArray[row - 1][col + 1] && curr == theArray[row - 2][col + 2] && curr == theArray[row - 3][col + 3]) displayWinner(g, theArray[row][col]); } } } // end check4 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (e.getSource() == btn1) putDisk(1); else if (e.getSource() == btn2) putDisk(2); else if (e.getSource() == btn3) putDisk(3); else if (e.getSource() == btn4) putDisk(4); else if (e.getSource() == btn5) putDisk(5); else if (e.getSource() == btn6) putDisk(6); else if (e.getSource() == btn7) putDisk(7); else if (e.getSource() == newMI) { end = false; initialize(); repaint(); } else if (e.getSource() == exitMI) { System.exit(0); } else if (e.getSource() == redMI) { // don't change colour to play in middle of game if (!gameStart) activeColour = RED; } else if (e.getSource() == yellowMI) { if (!gameStart) activeColour = YELLOW; } } // end ActionPerformed public void run() { String line; int stevilo; try { System.out.println("Uspešna povezava."); BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(sock.getInputStream())); while (true) { line = in.readLine(); if (line.indexOf(UKAZ_KONEC) >= 0) {// konec System.exit(0); } else { stevilo = Integer.parseInt(line); if(stevilo <= 7 && stevilo >= 1) putDisk(stevilo); System.out.println("DOBIL to:" + stevilo); } } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Napaka: " + e); e.printStackTrace(); } } } // class