Exercise #3: Classification algorithms -- basics
In this assignment the assistant will guide you in applying some basic classifiers to the provided sample data set.
You can download the sample data set(s) by clicking on these links -- Rookie-train.arff, Rookie-test.arff or by "navigating" the e-classroom
(subfolder "Datasets" in the "Tutorial #3: Classification basics and Decision trees" folder).
You will need also the Rookie-SurnameName.txt file (click on file name or same location as the sample data) that you shall use to enter the results into and submit when finished.
Entering the results in the Rookie-SurnameName.txt file:
look for the "___" (3 consecutive underscore characters) and replace them with the actual result (number/answer).
Use the default algorithm parameters in WEKA, if not otherwise specified.
So, let's get to it!
Step #1:
Open the Rookie-train data in WEKA, explore it and fill in the answers.
Step #2:
Apply the ZeroR and OneR classifiers on the Rookie-train data, test it on the Rookie-test data and fill in the answers.
Step #3:
Apply the Id3 and J48 classifiers on the Rookie-train data, test it on the Rookie-test data, visualize, use the "InfoGainAttributeEval" and "GainRatioAttributeEval" attribute evaluators and fill in the answers.
(if you do not find the Id3 algorithm, you might want to install the package "simpleEducationalLearningSchemes" first)
Rename the final TXT file as "Rookie-<SurnameName>.txt"
(example: Rookie-KavsekBranko.txt) and submit it here!