
SEMINAR Z NASLOVOM: Economic impact of parasites/diseases on a highly popular fish species in Norway

SEMINAR Z NASLOVOM: Economic impact of parasites/diseases on a highly popular fish species in Norway

by Nina Lončarević -
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Prijazno vabljeni na seminar Oddelka za biodiverziteto!

Kaj: Seminar z naslovom ''Economic impact of parasites/diseases on a highly popular fish species in Norway''
Kdaj: Torek (jutri), 14. 11. ob 12h
Kje: Epsilon predavalnica, kampus Livade

O predavatelju: Oddgeir Andersen je višji raziskovalec v Norveškem inštitutu za raziskovanje narave (NINA), organizaciji, ki se ukvarja z raziskovanjem in varstvom narave v celem svetu. Predavanje bo potekalo v angleškem jeziku. 

Opis predavanja: This talk will focus on the economic impact of parasites/diseases on a highly popular fish species in Norway, the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and the Gyrodactylus salaris parasite. The lecturer will present how to measure the impact by using the revealed preferences method (travel cost method) and the cost-benefit ratio of eradicating the parasite. G. salaris was introduced in Norway in 1975 by the fish-farming industry, and infected more than 50 rivers out of the 400 rivers with Atlantic salmon.

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Oddelek za biodiverziteto