Lepo pozdravljeni ob začetku novega študijskega leta / Greetings all at the beginning of the new semester,
Obveščamo vas, da bo uvodno predavanje iz predmeta Biologija in varstvo velikih vretenčarjev jutri, v sredo 6. 10. 2020 z začetkom ob 12:00 uri. Uvodno predavanje je obvezno za vse študente in bo potekalo "v živo" v predavalnici Famnit-VP 3.
Introductory lecture of the course Biology and Conservation of Large Vertebrates will be held tomorrow, on Wednesday, October 6th, starting at 12:00 h. This lecture is mandatory for all students taking the course and it will take place in the lecture-room Famnit-VP 3, live (ex-catedra).
Vidimo se jutri / See you all tomorrow!
Instructor Team:
Bojan Lazar
Bostjan Pokorny
Matic Jančič
Assoc. Prof. Bojan Lazar, PhD
Department of Biodiversity
Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies
University of Primorska
Glagoljaska 8, SI-6000 Koper, Slovenia